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Who we are

Introducing the School Governors

Stephen Wells


Vice Chair of Governors, Foundation Governor

Foundation Governor – St Augustine’s Primary School

I grew up in Downend and attend St Augustine’s as a child. I returned to Bristol in 2016 having lived in London since studying Psychology at UEL. I have two sons, one at St Augustine’s and one who has now left St Augustine’s for Downend School

I am a parishioner; I enjoy sports and music. I am work is Social Housing for a large National Registered Provider. I hope to use my skills and abilities, to support and board of Governors and the staff team in maintaining high standards in the education of our young people, ensuring good practice in safeguarding compliance with regulatory policies and sound financial management.

I am proud to be associated with a school that delivers an enriching environment to learn for children of diverse backgrounds of all faiths and none.



Staff governor.




Local authority governor, 


Janine McCann

Parent governor

I have lived in Downend since 2007, and am currently a Stay-at-Home parent for my daughter, who is in Year 4, and my son who is now in Reception. Before this, my jobs included working as a commodities manager in the MoD and as a primary teacher, teaching a Year 5 class at a school in South Bristol. This will be my last term as a parent governor, and I will continue to meet the challenges of the role with energy and enthusiasm, drawing on my previous classroom experience. My daughter loves St Augustine’s, and I hope to continue to support her educational development, and that of my son, to make their time at school the best experience possible. I am also on the Committee for St Augustine’s Pre School, where my son was taught previously, acting as a link between the two settings.

Governor vacancy


Yu Wang Wi (Mandy)

Parent governor

Mandy joined the governing body in September and is parent to a daughter in Year 3. 

Father Jim Williams - Parish Priest


Foundation Governor

Father Jim Williams is our parish priest, as well as serving our parishes in communion, including Our Lady of Lourdes, Kingswood and St Paul's in Yate. Father Jim has been a governor at St Augustine's since the Summer term of 2023.

John Fenlon


Associate Foundation Governor

John Fenlon has been a foundation governor for 4 years and is now an Associate governor.