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Our Values

St Augustine of Canterbury Catholic Primary School provides an education that inspires and nurtures God’s children to succeed to their full potential as we are…

Created by God to love and learn.

We believe in the concept of lifelong learning, and in the idea that both adults and children learn new things every day. We maintain that learning should be a rewarding and enjoyable experience for everyone. Through our teaching we strive to equip children with the skills, knowledge and understanding necessary to make informed choices about the important things in their lives. We believe that effective and stimulating teaching will lead to consistent and quality learning experiences to help children to lead happy and rewarding lives.


We believe that people learn best in different ways. At our school we provide a rich and varied learning environment that allows all children to develop their skills and abilities to their full potential.

Through our teaching we aim to:

  • Enable children to become confident, resourceful, enquiring and independent learners;
  • Foster children’s self-esteem, and help them to build positive relationships with other people;
  • Develop children’s self-respect,  to understand the ideas, attitudes and values of others, and to respect other people’s feelings;
  • Show respect for a diverse range of cultures and to demonstrate positive attitudes towards other people;
  • Enable children to understand their community, and help them feel valued as part of it;
  • Help children grow into reliable, independent and positive citizens.

We consider the following ten values as instrumental when framing the life of the school.

  • Respect: of ourselves and our neighbour both near and far from every culture and faith.
  • Love: of everyone and everything God created.
  • Humility: knowing that we are one of many and avoid selfishness
  • Courage: in the face of the unknown or meeting a new challenge or just having a go!
  • Responsibility: for our actions or inaction
  • Compassion: showing care and support to others
  • Perseverance: never giving up
  • Service: supporting others by giving of our time, organising charitable activities
  • Honesty: in thought and deed
  • Curiosity: a pre-requisite for learning about the world about us

The governing body of St Augustine's has outlined a 3yr strategy for 2023-2026, which is deeply rooted in our faith and Catholic Social Teaching. See below: